Abundance Mastermind Series

Become an Abundance Alchemist. Transform Scarcity into Abundance.

A two part series focusing on abundance activation codes, bringing theory into practice. Aligning your actions in everyday life to help you quantum leap from thought and inspiration to Divine Right Action.


 Join us for this two week series where you will tap into your own Abundant Activator Codes.


Beloved Sister...

Does this feel familiar…

• Feeling stuck.

• Unsure of what comes next.

• Feeling inspired to create change though do not feel motivated to take action.

• Abundance is only for some and you believe you're not part of that exclusive club. 

• You know there is something missing and feel no shift is in sight.


These “blocks” exist as opportunities for us to become clear with ourselves… 

• Become more confident in your instinctual awareness.

• Tap into your own codes for abundance; releasing fear of “not knowing enough”.

• Embody the difference between imagining dreams and creating them.

• Feel supported on this journey of reclaiming your ability to shift your reality with ease.

It's time for you to shift from scarcity to spiritual gold by mastering the art of abundance alchemy.

Value of $997

*An abundance gift to you for free*

Everything you'll receive...


Two part Live Abundance Mastermind series.


One ticket to a Live Luminary Abundance Event.


Core Abundance Codes shifting your personal and business life.


Guidance on how to take what you've learned to implement changes in your life. Creating lasting changes that become fundamental shifts of awareness with the ability to quantum leap your reality through aligned easeful action.

A Glimpse into what the  Luminary Membership offers...

a Foundation for luminous abundance

Luminary Membership is …

• Luminary will help you witness and release what’s holding you back from living your fully expressed potential, opening you up at a cellular level so that you experience yourself expanded and abundant.

• Luminary is a medicine field specifically created for you to connect to abundant wisdom for guidance to deeply understanding yourself so you can make decisions that support your life and the world.

• Luminary is a sacred space and energy work created for your healing that helps remove blockages or energy patterns that stop you from being a clear conduit of love.

• Luminary a guided membership designed to help you remember your connection to yourself, to others, to the Divine, and to our great Mother Earth.

Confidence to follow your unique blueprint

In the Luminary Membership you will:

• Receive guidance and energetic clarity so you can move in the world from a place of abundant freedom, unrestricted as your full, powerful self

• Learn to come into your body as a resource of wisdom in your life.

• Experience deep internal connection so you can be guided by abundance.

• Expand your consciousness in a profound and sustained way.

• Belong in a community of incredible women on a path of abundance with you.

• Learn to stay in your centre, regulated, powerful while experiencing challenges.

• Elevate your relationships by consciously connecting and communicating with those people in your life.

practical Skills to elevate your Abundance

 Luminary Membership also Includes:

• A powerful membership portal that supports creating a sacred abundant and deeply meaningful life.

• Monthly Luminary Guidance and Integration Group Calls.

• Sacred Community Circle once a month.

• All Luminary Membership intensives, activation sessions and portals that occur while you’re a member.

• A library of our Signature Conversation Style Podcast episodes you can dive into anytime.

• An incredible community of amazing Luminary Women.

Meet Your guides

Rose Wilder

Rose Wilder is a seven figure business mentor and a powerful abduction survivor and intuitively-led spiritual healer and entrepreneur who has dedicated her life to helping women discover their inner light. She has tapped into her deepest resiliency and positivity to become a much-needed maternal presence for women around the world.

Rose has alchemized the shadows to create a prosperous future for herself and her six children. Rose has built several successful businesses, including a full-service day spa and healing centre and founder of Inner Light Collective, a sacred space for women to embrace their gifts and shine their light.

Aside from her work, Rose treasures time spent at home, sharing space and love with many different hospice animals on her self-funded not-for-profit sanctuary farm in the Pacific Northwest. She also believes in giving back to the community and has established scholarship funds to support women in overcoming barriers to participate in women’s circle gatherings, events, and programs.

With over 30 years of experience as a Certified Master Life Coach, successful business owner and intuitive spiritual healer; Rose's mission is to help women discover their inner light, providing them with the tools they need to embrace their gifts and shine their own light in the world.

Meet Your guides


Natasha is a founding High Council Member of the Inner Light Collective. She has spent this lifetime in deep commitment to herself; healing and growing, remaining stedfast on a path of quantum up-leveling in a unified embodiment of Divine Feminine creativity and Masculine right action.

Natasha spent many years healing from pain and trauma that had left her feeling lost, isolated and deeply unhappy. Through her commitment to healing and personal expansion, she has relearned how to love herself; her centre point is in helping others learn the same. Natasha’s deep devotion to self love reaches out to those she works with, helping them learn how to self prioritise; putting self care and nourishment back into their forefront. Her focus is also on releasing old stories that interfere with our own definition of what abundance feels and looks like for each of us. Committed to nurturing and tapping into your own unique blueprint.

Natasha also brings an awareness to connection and relationship centred parenting for those who wish to parent in a revolutionary way. She is a Mom of two Radically Unschooled children living an incredible life of learning through living, nurturing beautifully respectful and loving relationships where connection is paramount and is the guiding light. Parenting as a healed human is possible, an incredible gift to us and our children. Natasha helps parents who are looking for support on their healing journey; understanding what it takes to do the work, showing up fully committed to walking alongside you.


“Since my first encounter with Rose (online), I have been receiving abundance like never before. And it just doesn’t stop. 

When I first heard her speak, about a month ago, I was super broke, just having left a toxic relationship with the father of my 2-year-old daughter, not knowing how I would pay for a safe home for her and me, and how I would create financial stability. 

Since then and especially after experiencing an abundance of activation led by Rose, I found a job that will bring me 4k a month by working 20h a week, received notification that I will get over 10k of tax refunds in the next couple of months, received a 20k payment from SOCAN for a song I worked on that got released last year. 

I have also received so many opportunities to share my soul gifts as a medicine musician and healer- booked my first 1:1 paying clients for individual healing sessions and it just won’t stop. 

The abundance is flowing to me and I am in awe of the infinite flow of it! Rose is the most impactful and generous healer I have ever met.

Just by being in her energy field, we receive an abundance of blessings, and our abundance codes get activated. 

It is truly spectacular and magical. I am beyond grateful for all that Rose has awakened in me and for the magnitude of blessings that are going to keep coming to me!" 

-Myriam, B.

Vienna l.

More love from past clients...

“Honestly the most helpful thing I have done.”


Since the beginning I have gained a true commitment to my business and collaboration, community, motivation, authenticity.  I enjoy Rose’s warm welcoming smile and energy.

Rose is a phenomenal coach. She knows exactly how to tap into my talents and help me utilise them to my best ability while also helping me to release the limiting beliefs that hold me back from doing so. She provides amazing analogies and tools to help me grow. I absolutely adore her.


I have gained a feeling a deeper connection to other women business owners which empowers me. She is so sincere and loving and full of great advice, while gaining confidence, empowered, connection.

Rose is an incredible mentor and goddess. She’s leading the way for many women to become empowered like she has become herself. Truly grateful and honoured to know her and be a part of her journey.


The strength that comes from love and sisterhood with other women! No competition, no harsh anything, pure love in motion! I love her heart. I am a Jesus loving Christian and I was timid at first (not wanting to get into anything...strange or not clearly "Christian"). From the FIRST meeting I felt nothing but love, real love between a group of outstanding women. I highly recommend this wonderful group. Jesus is love 💘 I am pretty new to the group, but I can say I look forward to digging deeper!
